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BLOG - #6


I would like to say that I am so so sorry that I haven't posted a new blog update in the past couple of days as I have been busy with people and this blog is even anymous to my friends. So if I was to have updated then they would have knowen about my blog, and we wouldn't want that hahaha.

I would love to say thank you thank you, thank you so so so much. I am saying that you to all of you who have actually taken time out of your lives, time that you will never be able to get back, to have a look at my blog. You will probably get sick of hearing about the thingy ma bobby at the bottom of the page but this after noon when I had looked at it, it showed a crazy number of 170! That is like, wow. I can't beleive 170 people who I don't even know have seen my blog! Literally none of my friends,or family know about this blog except me. Not even my cat knows about it! hahaha

I have recently been with a friend over the last couple of days (the reason I didn't update) and I have come across a problem. What happened was that we were talking, as all girls do. I happened to think about telling her about this blog ( I didn't, don't worry) because she is one of my really really good friends (she was my old best friend before I made lots of great friends. To be honest she may be becoming my best friends again but that story is for another blog ;) ). So instead of telling her about this blog, I made a reference to the AMAZING book "Girl Online" By Zoe Sugg which we both happened to get for christmas ( I have finished it and completely love it to peices! She however, isn't a big reader hahaha) and what I said was something along the lines of "I would really love to run aonymous blog like Penny (the main character) in the book" and she thought it was a great idea. You see my problem was that she then continued to say "but if any of us did we would tell eachother right?" and so I said yeah.

I am not sure if that means I lied. People tell lies all the time but I don't want to lie to such a great friend, especially because we have kind of an unspoken promise that we will tell eachother everything. Is it a lie for her own good? Should I tell her? I would really appreciate you guys opinion on this because I'm really stuck on it and I have no clue what to do. I am scared that if she finds out she won't trust me anymore. There is no way she could find out unless I accidentily left my twitter, instagram or blog site left on. There is still that thought in the back of my mind though and I do really love her (in a great friend way).

That also happens to bring me onto todays topic. Little white lies.

A little white lie is a lie you tell to someone that isn't very big and may be to may make them feel better or not hurt there feelings. Are they that good though?

Imagine how you would feel if someone was to tell you for example "Your hair looks great today" when you asked them and your hair actually looked like someone has dragged you through a rose bush by your feet, backwards. Had dipped you in a pile of poo and left you in the sun to dry and shrivel up. I don't know about you but I wouldn't like it. It would boost your confindence though.

I am no expert on little white lies but I do know that I am no big fan of them. I would prefer someone to tell me straight up that I looked like poo.

I still tell them though. I tell them all the time because I feel bad. Does that make them good though? I guess it really comes down to personal opinion. Like the quote from the movie 'Forrest Gump', "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know which one your gonna get". People are the same, you never know which one is going to like being told little white lies and which ones don't. I guess you just have to give it a go.

The one thing about little white lies is that they can lead to another, that leads to another, that leads to another and eventually turns into one massive lie. Then your in a sticky situation.

If anyone has any other points or opinions on little white lies I would completely love to hear about them and if they are good enough points I may add them to the bottom of the blog post. Please message them to me from here, leave a comment or private message me on instagram (you can publicly message me but I thought it would just be easier).

On a side note...

I think I am having bad luck recently because I have just got my hair cut. it sucks. Literally, the lady didn't listen. I made it very clear that I just wanted a trim and that I know that I had split ends that were really bad but if she cut them all, then my hair would be extremely short. I am trying to grow my hair longer as well because I have always wanted longer hair. My hair reached just below my chest before. Now it rests upon my shoulders. She also cut layers for which may I say I didn't want or mention. She also (the worst part of it all) cut little like an ugly side parting fringe thingy on either side of my face (I'm not saying they are ugly, I am saying this one is) . I can't even tie my hair up to hide those. So yeah, I cried. Alot. Multiple times. But hey, I'm a girl so I guess it's exceptable to cry. I managed to make my way into a trip to lush tomorrow to buy a shampoo bar that should helo stimulate my hair cells and make it grow faster. I was so upset though, you can't even beleive. It isn't a suttle hair style either, its like BAM, you cut your hair.

IF ANY OF YOU HAVE ANY TIPS ON HOW TO GROW YOUR HAIR FASTER PLEASE GET IN CONTACT WITH ME ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Have you ever told a little white lie that you maybe shouldn't have?

Have you ever told a little white lie that led to another that led to another?

Have you got a friend that you don't want to tell something to but feel like you need to?

Have you ever gotten the worste hair cut in the history of hair cuts.

I would love to hear all about your lives and stories about little white lies. Please message me or comment me them and if you want your advice or comment or message to be in todays post please mention it. If you don't please also mention it so that I know because I understand that not all of you do. I will make all comments or posts anonymous, unless you ask specificly for me not to.

I would really appreciate some stories about bad hair that would make me feel better hahaha like if any of you have ever gotten a ridiculous hair cut! If you like I will also mention those in todays blog post hahaha.

Thank you so so much for the amount of views I have! I still can't wrap my head around it.

I love you all so much xx

Please leave a comment below or just message me because I would love to hear all about your opinions and your lives.

Please tell all of your friends about my blog and subscribe!!!

Silent word, going silent xxx

I took this photo myself by the way ;) xx

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